Some places have a certain taste. Even in a region where similar products can be found in more than one place, there is no denying the synonymity of some locales with a given product, especially when that product is edible. Perhaps appropriately matched with the restless spiritual feeling that permeates Central America, the best of these delicious potables are casually psychoactive. Mexico has the chili pepper, Nicaragua has her fine tobaccos, but the undeniable taste of Guatemala is coffee.
Guatemalan coffee is not just good, it is seriously good. Guatemalan coffee needs no introduction, there is scant cause to linger on the details of how the volcanic soils and oh-so-perfect altitude and weather form a Goldilocks zone of coffee growing heaven. No need to mention that the most known, most storied coffees that put the region on the map are still roasted by hand in the volcanic hills around Antigua.
Do not miss the chance to enjoy coffee in Antigua straight from the source. Even if coffee isn’t your bag, the process it goes through to metamorph from a baby coffee plant to a hot beverage is complex and fascinating. Besides now you will finally be able to casually drop the word “terroir” into conversations and thence duly observe as the Philistines flock to you, a beacon of good taste in a world so devilishly bereft of the same.