Roatan is perhaps better known as a diving destination than for any topside extravagance, and rightly so. In fact the whole of Islas de la Bahia is figuratively on the map (read: tourist radar) because of the diving. Unlike a Bonaire or Saba, however, Roatan serves up surprising doses of sun drenched beauty and a diversity of culture much different from mainland Honduras.
Roatan seems like a bizarre place for a cruise ship stop, almost like a dystopian punishment for thrifty holiday makers, and it may indeed seem so based only on a visit to the grim port at Coxen Hole. Anyone even vaguely familiar with Roatan will pack you off immediately for West Bay where there is a truly spectacular beach and West End where the divers and eco-tourists gather. Dig deeper into Roatan’s past as a hub for pirates and experience Garifuna culture firsthand.
Honduras is one of the few few places on earth where some of the hype about street crime is actually worth taking into consideration, although it is an old adage that the Caribbean keeps the Bay Islands isolated from crime, remember you are in Honduras.